Last night was our third night of encouraging Little E to sleep on her own. Remember how I wasn't going to open the door all night? Yeah, it turns out we're softies. Elliot and I talked about our strategy early on that evening and decided that rather than just let her cry it out he would take over night duty and try to soothe her back to sleep. After all, the goal was primarily to teach her how to sleep without nursing. We were hoping that she would soon learn that it's not worth it to wake up if there wasn't a nice cuddly milk session as a reward.
It's working. Really.
The first night was awful for all of us. We both woke up every time she did, and she was not happy about Daddy showing up cribside. I struggled to go back to sleep each time, feeling guilty and reassuring Elliot, whose nerves were shot as he wrestled his squirming, screaming baby on his lap. Awesome.
The next night was a huge improvement. First of all, I bought myself some earplugs so at least one of us would get some rest. I crashed hard (at 8:00! So glamorous is the life of a tired mama!) and didn't wake again until 5:30 the next morning. That was the first night of uninterrupted sleep I've gotten in nearly two years, thanks to pregnancy and the need to pee every eight minutes. I'd forgotten what it was like to wake up feeling refreshed! Elliot informed me (after I took over baby duty and he got a couple of solid hours of sleep that morning) that though she still woke up multiple times, it was much quicker and easier to get her back to sleep. Baby steps!
Last night she slept nearly eleven hours without waking! Well, without waking us. Elliot is an incredibly heavy sleeper and I had my earplugs in so for all we know she could've woken every hour. But even if she did, she must've settled herself back to sleep without too much fuss, as I can still hear a bit through my earplugs and even Elliot wakes for the big screams.
I am so, so proud of my little (big) girl and even more proud of her Papa for sticking it out. We all know he's the real softie around here.
The issue of sleep is a hugely controversial topic among parents, and the debate seems even more heated in the online community. I've been lucky enough to have some very supportive friends to bounce ideas off of, but I still find that there is a lot of pressure to conform to either "side". In other words, to pick a parenting style and stick with it--whether it be a more traditional approach or to join the "attachment parenting" club. I've found myself straddling this line in many areas of parenting, and all I can say is there is no right or wrong way to raise a child.
New parents, I implore you! Do not read too much! Finding what works for you and your family is a trial-and-error process and an ongoing one, at that. Seek advice, try new things, but go with your gut. Every decision you make can and will be debated, but the only thing that matters is finding your own rhythm.
Sleep well, friends, and let's hope we all do, too.
Woohoo! So happy this is working for you guys! I'll be so glad when we're not "night nursing" anymore too! Of course that would involve Colton being in another room and that ain't happening anytime soon :p