It's still a frustrating experience. I know I'll look back and think these pictures are adorable and I'll probably swoon over every memory of feeding my first babe. In fact, I'm already looking at these and thinking "Awwwwww!" But I'm not gonna lie: I really, really hate doing it. It's messy. I'd rather wash a hundred million cloth diapers than see my daughter blast squishy carrots in a four foot radius of her high chair. I give it a month until everything in our entire house is stained orange.
It is a huge relief to see her getting into food, though. And it's nice to have someone to make banana pancakes for, so there's that. Good thing it's Dad's job to clean her up!
my exact argument for breastfeeding in general. i fear food. i only give the pie food in her little net sack because the range is limited. that's it. food in fishnet. because i'm lazy.