Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Yesterday, I went to work. For the record, I went to work today as well. But yesterday was different.

When we clean rooms at the Inn, it's usually in pairs. Because of scheduling and timing yesterday, however, I was alone. And my head was swimming.

There's something about spending four (very, very busy) hours doing repetitive manual labor that gets my brain going. And going. And going and going and and AND!

I must've written sixteen fragmented blog posts in those four hours, and I've forgotten them all. I also may or may not have come up with three new career ideas and played out three different life-paths for each one. I'm not sure, because all of those thoughts are gone now. And that's okay, because I needed to let them go.

Yes, there's something about being truly alone (and very busy) that does wonders for my tired mind. I was productive when I got home, and I didn't turn on the TV all afternoon. And if my back weren't so sore (did I mention it was very, very busy?) I'd want to do it all over again.


In other news, this week has been crazy. Well, not really. Maybe it just felt like it. What day is this, again? 

Anyway, we had a few nice days and went to the Arboretum to play in the (filtered) sunshine. It's always amazing this time of year as everything is beginning to wake up. In a normal spring, it looks like this by the end of April. We're really struggling to warm up this year, but I dare say that will make summer seem that much sweeter. Also, I don't like to get sweaty so I won't complain too much.

My baby, the sunglasses thief.

I'm going to revisit this little daytime adventure as my happy place for a good long time to come, and I'll be going there a lot in the next few weeks. Yesterday afternoon, we received a bit of news that is sure to really mix things up in our little family (I am absolutely not pregnant.) I'll be more specific when we have a game plan put together, but for now please send us some good vibes. We'll be doing our best to stay positive, and I might even go so far as to get a little excited. Change can be good, yes?

Be well, friends.

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